Watch ATLAS the Robot Autonomously Fall Off a Stage. ATLAS is an incredible machine. Theres no way around that. First unveiled in 2. This level of sophistication is exactly why its so damn funny when ATLAS fucks up. Boston Dynamics, the company that builds this incredible robot, recently gave a presentation at the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders. It was a pretty normal dog and pony show for the company. ATLAS walked around the stage autonomously, while a human guided Spot. Mini the dogbot across the stage with a controller. Everything was going great until it came time for ATLAS to exit the stage. Even though the robot had successfully pulled off the maneuver in rehearsal, ATLAS really ate it during the actual performance. By the looks of it, ATLAS caught his foot on a stage light and just went ass over elbows through the back curtain. But again, how can we be mad at ATLAS This robot is a true feat of human engineering and ingenuity. Armies of them might even fight wars for us one day. Which brings us back to that Terminator reference. Were probably doomed to die at the feet of ATLAS in the inevitable robot uprising, so we might as well get our yuks in now. The latest news articles from Billboard Magazine, including reviews, business, pop, hiphop, rock, dance, country and more. Watch One Piece Episodes English Subbed Dubbed at WatchOP WatchOP is now back Our old URL watchop. MV5BMjA3NzU4ODkxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjIyMTc5Nw@@._V1_SX300.jpg' alt='Watch A Town Called Panic Online For Free' title='Watch A Town Called Panic Online For Free' />If you are a teacher searching for educational material, please visit PBS LearningMedia for a wide range of free digital resources spanning preschool through 12th grade. What is THAT Video of alien creature squirming in a hand goes viral and dont panic, its actually the pupa of a Hercules beetle Video shared online shows the. V2r8X1.jpg' alt='Watch A Town Called Panic Online For Free' title='Watch A Town Called Panic Online For Free' />Watch free Kids Movies and Shows online at Popcornflix Kids. Featuring full length Family Films TV Shows. CU A MODERNLOOKING CHRISTMAS BOOK ENTITLED ELF A Christmas book entitled ELF sits on a table, a drawing of 62 BUDDY THE ELF the guy weve seen from all the. Siblings Dean and Sam crisscross the country, investigating paranormal activity and picking fights with demons, ghosts and monsters. Movies For Apple Ipod Little White Lie on this page. Watch trailers learn more. Could future iPhones come with a builtin panic button to discreetly summon the cops Its certainly a possibility, judging by Apples recent patent filings.