Episode Guide. Season One 19841985 Episode 1 The Murder of Sherlock Holmes pilot episode When a guest dressed as Sherlock Holmes is murdered at a costume party. Ultimate 1980s Trivia Quiz Answers Source of questions unknown. Answers Compiled by Roshans Humour List By Roshan Sembacuttiaratchy and The EFunnies Mailing. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces Check out our breaking stories on Hollywoods hottest stars List of Dennis the Menace 1959 TV series episodes. List of Dennis the Menace 1. TV series episodes. This is a list of episodes from the 1. United States television series Dennis the Menace. The series is based on the Hank Ketchamcomic strip of the same name. The series ran for four seasons for a total of 1. October 4, 1. 95. July 7, 1. 96. 3 1. Series overvieweditSeason. Episodes. Originally aired. First aired. Last aired. October 4, 1. 95. June 6, 1. 96. 0 1. October 2, 1. 96. June 2. 5, 1. 96. October 1, 1. 96. July 1, 1. 96. 2 1. September 3. 0, 1. July 7, 1. 96. 3 1. EpisodeseditSeason 1editEp no. Prod no. Title. Air date. Dennis Goes to the MoviesOctober 4, 1. Dennis successfully eludes a babysitter whom he has never met and sneaks out of the house and goes to a cowboy movie that his parents also go to while Joey is left with the babysitter, pretending to be Dennis. Our film critics on blockbusters, independents and everything in between. This pilot was made late in 1. Mrs. Wilson does not appear. Also, due to editing issues, the final two minute scene was shot in August 1. Dennis obviously had a different hairstyle and sounded more polished than during the rest of the episode. Dennis and the SignpostOctober 1. Breaking the biggest stories in celebrity and entertainment news. Get exclusive access to the latest stories, photos, and video as only TMZ can. The Erotic MindControl Story Archive Whats New Titles Authors Categories Readers Picks FAQ The Garden of MC MC Forum Category md male. Dennis and Tommy replace a fallen street signpost but fail to notice theyve put it up with the street names facing in the wrong direction. This is the first appearance of Martha Wilson, Tommy Anderson, Margaret Wade and Lucy Elkins. Mrs. Wilson, played by Sylvia Field, appeared in several episodes that were made before but aired after this one. While this was the eighth episode made in the summer of 1. Dennis The Menace: Cruise Control Movie Out' title='Dennis The Menace: Cruise Control Movie Out' />The Fishing TripOctober 1. Mr. Wilson and Dennis father plan a secret early morning fishing trip without Dennis, but he suspects something is afoot due to various clues they leave. Their sleep the night before is disrupted by Dennis restless curiosity. This was the second episode made but held back in order to air a more recent episode where the cast is more established. Mrs. Wilsons first episode on the show though shown after a later episode in which she appeared. Ron Howard starred as Dennis friend, Stewart. Grandpa and Miss CathcartOctober 2. Dennis tries to fix up his Grandpa Perkins with Miss Cathcart and other ladies in the neighborhood. Miss Cathcarts first appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson do not appear in this episode. Innocents in SpaceDennis in SpaceNovember 1, 1. Movies On Dvd Family Guy Presents: Blue Harvest. Mr. Wilson thinks he has discovered a space satellite when in reality it is Dennis shooting glow in the dark ping pong balls out of his blastergun. Dennis GardenNovember 8, 1. Dennis mistakes Mr. Wilsons dahlia bulbs for sweet potatoes, and, after his bedtime, he switches the sweet potatoes for dahlia bulbs. The New NeighborsNovember 1. Dennis helps Mr. Wilson sell a neighbors house. Tenting TonightNovember 2. Mr. Wilson returns from a camping trip, inspiring Dennis and Tommy to camp out in the backyard. That night, Mr. Wilson mistakenly thinks the circus train has crashed and the animals have escaped, but the noises are only the Mitchells neighbors playing a sound effects record for Henry and Alice. Dennis Sells BottlesNovember 2. Dennis thinks his father is broke, so he sells bottles in an attempt to make some extra money while informing the neighborhood of the Mitchells dire straits. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson do not appear in this episode. Mr. Wilsons AwardDecember 6, 1. Henry tells Dennis that he and the family are moving to New York in order to keep Mr. Wilson in town for an award he is to receive. Dennis then informs the neighborhood of their supposed move. The Christmas StoryDennis ChristmasDecember 2. Dennis is going crazy trying to find his gifts including a new sled. Dennis and the CowboyDecember 2. Dennis meets Whip Crawford, his cowboy idol, after Mrs. Webster tells Dennis that Whip will be in the community pageant. The role of Crawford is played by Brad Johnson 1. Lofty Craig on the syndicatedwestern series Annie Oakley. This was the third episode made and held to show more recently made episodes. It also is the first episode to include Dennis rival Johnny Brady, played by Gregory Irvin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson do not appear in this episode. Dennis Haunts a HouseThe ClubhouseJanuary 3, 1. Mr. Wilson becomes suspicious when he hears noises caused by Dennis and his friends, who have set up their clubhouse in a crawl space underneath his house. Dennis Tree HouseJanuary 1. Mr. Wilson attempts to teach Dennis about bird watching. Dennis takes care of a sick bird, which proves to be the first of its species ever found in their region, prompting a visit by an excited bird club official. This is the first of only two appearances in the series of Tommys father, Mr. Anderson, although he is mentioned in many episodes spanning the shows entire run. Mr. Anderson, who is played by Lee Millar, also appeared in the third season episode, Dennis and the Pee Wee League. Dennis and the Rare CoinThe FountainJanuary 1. Mr. Wilson purchases a rare coin for 2. Mrs. Wilson, without realizing what it is, lets Dennis take it to use in a wishing well, which was the town fountain. Also while at the police station, Dennis mentions on his last visit he was given ice cream. He was referring to an early episode that already had been made, but was not aired until later the first season, called Dennis Runs Away. Dennis and the BikeJanuary 2. When his parents wont buy him his own bicycle, Dennis attempts various ways to get one on his own, including getting engaged to Margaret. Dennis and the Open HouseFebruary 7, 1. Dennis house is mistaken for a nearby open house that is up for sale, thus attracting a crowd of strangers into what the Mitchells had intended as a small party for friends. This was the fifth episode made and Margaret Wades first episode, although several later episodes with her appearance airs prior to this one. Dennis and the DuckFebruary 1. Dennis gets a pet duck that causes havoc in the neighborhood. This was the sixth episode made. Dennis and the SwingFebruary 2. Henry tries to take Alice out for their anniversary. Meanwhile, Dennis tries to build a swing in his yard and ends up chasing a cat up a tree in the process. When an ice cream vendor is enlisted to climb the tree, all the ice cream in his truck starts melting. Dennis and the DogFebruary 2. Dennis cares for a dog named Charlie who wins a prize from the art club for his painting. Mr. Wilsons SisterPieces of EightMarch 6, 1. Dennis meets Mr. Wilsons sister, Helen. Helen brings George a book he had as a child, Treasure Island. She reads the book to Dennis and Tommy, and they become fascinated with buried treasure. Mr. Wilson draws a treasure map to trick the boys into tilling his garden plot. Dennis and the TV SetMarch 1. Dennis hears about Mr. Wilson getting a remote control for his television set and is fascinated. He uses his friends remote to operate Mr. Wilsons television from Dennis bedroom window, and Mr. Wilson cant understand whats happening. Dennis Creates a HeroMarch 2. Dennis asks a reporter to write a story about his dad with hopes of getting his picture in the paper. Dennis Paper DriveApril 1. Dennis and Tommy collect newspapers for a paper drive that will reward the boy who collects the most with a silver dollar. Nancy Evans appears in this and the next episode as June Wilson, Georges sister, who visits while Martha is out of town visiting her mother. Dennis and the BeesApril 1. Dennis and Tommy learn that local handyman Opie Swanson Dub Taylor might have to move because his bees cant find honey. The boys move Mr. Wilsons indoor flowers outside to attract the bees, and Dennis has a plan to attract even more. Alices BirthdayApril 2. Henry will be out of town for Alices birthday, so he gives Dennis some money and tells him to make sure his mother has a nice day. Dennis Becomes a Baby SitterMay 1, 1. Dennis winds up babysitting a little boy who is a guest of the Wilsons after his father and Mr. Wilson mistakenly both cancel their respective sitters.