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Wed always recommend a bit of self sufficient keyword search work through Google and IMDB, but if youre truly stumped the Whirlpool movie buff collective may be able to help. Consider us your Obi Wan you know Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, youre my only hope. Some rules and guidelines new Whirlpool members, pay close attentionAll the usual Whirlpool Rules must be adhered to. This includes no foul language and no depiction of sexual acts or overt violence. A Zero Tolerance stance will be taken on posts that break these rules within this thread. We have a lot of first time posters stumble on this thread, and thats great, but please read the rules first. It wont find that film if your post gets hidden. Basically, Whirlpool is a family friendly site so dont offend, even in the context of describing a scene from a movie its not on and it wont be tolerated. We cant edit your posts we dont do that on Whirlpool, but we will hide them they can be unhidden once the content that broke a rule is removed. Whilst some scenes which are shocking might be the easiest to remember and describe, that doesnt mean theyll be OK to describe. Use some common sense before posting. Some helpful internal links How to post see here crash courseHow to quote see here. Formatting on Whirlpool Whirlcode. Now the good stuff. There are some ridiculously clever and knowledgeable folks lurking in this thread and I mean ridiculous in the same way baby turtles are ridiculously cute. Its insane. However, to paraphrase Jerry, you have to help them help you. Try not to post a wall of text. Remember paragraphs and a little bit of punctuation helps the ease of reading. If you make it clear and easy to read, our members are more likely to try to help you. So provide keywords, themes, even trivial details may help. Obviously, if you can remember actors, events, genre etc include that. DONT tell us how old you were when you saw it. DONT tell us where you were when you saw it. DONT tell us you were with your grandmother when you saw it. DONT tell us when you think you saw it. DO tell us roughly what year you think the film was released. DO tell us what era you think the story was set. DO tell us where you think the story was set. The long standing contributors to this thread like a challenge within reason and consider your questions to be a challenge, so the more information the merrier. If they help you, please thank them. You can also reward them with a Smiley Vote if you wish. This thread attracts a lot of first time posters. Please stick around and Pay it Forward and help others to ease their frustrations as well. Whirlpool is a big place too enjoy. Please help,I remember this movie I watched on Sky analogue in the 1. Might be a TV movie. No big stars I dont think could be wrong thoughI remember a few things but not much plot, heres what I remember The protagonist is a young girl in her late teensearly 2. I think. Shes pretty bored because she lives with her mother. She hangs out by this lake. They live in this hotel with one or two staff, its quite isolated. Its summer, its hot, lots of orange and yellow I think. I think the girl was blonde, wore quite loose fitting short dresses I seem to remember. The mother arranges for some extra help so she hires this guy who is older. Things get a bit steamy between the daughter,mother and guy I think. A few tensions arise and I think the girl is tired of living with her mother. Then I seem to remember the girl moving out and going to the city or something in this apartment block. Thats where my memory of the plot fades out. Please help, Id like to hunt it down, but completely forgot the name of it. Im looking for 2 movies first The scene I remember shows a Civil War officer, possibly in the fog, shooting or stabbing wounded soldiers after a battle, while humming, whistling, or singing I think the song was rock of ages. It may have been an opening scene, setting background for the movie. Second Looking for an American War movie I saw it on TV in the early 7. Could be black white we may not of had a color TV at the time. Could either be WWII with Japanese as the bad guys or Korean War. I only remember a few scenes. One the squad was dug in on top of a hill or ridge and being overrun. They dug holes and covered them hiding inside. Two they were going around a hill on a road and there was a camoflaged tank that they had to take out. Three at the end the survivors were walking down the road towards their own lines or back to base. Re posting. Anyone Hi again. Theres this one movie I watched in the 8. American is in a NY taxi, and the taxi driver mentions that hes an American, but he looks and speaks English with a strong IranianPakistanianIndian accent, and obvious the driver just became an US citizen. I watched this movie in Japan in English with Japanese subtitles with a Japanese friend. I was the only one in the movie theater that laughed at this scene I was asked later on why I laughed at that particular scene after the movie was over. I was so sure it was Crocodile Dundee, but watching the movie years later, that particular scene is not in it. I KNOW I didnt make it up. Thanks. USER DL not sure it has been a long time since I have seen them but it sounds like it could have been wishmasterLuckily one of my movies has been found. I hope some one can give me a clue what the name is of this movie. Ive copied it from the other thread Another movie that ive been looking voor a very long time is a fairytale which i think is from the 7. The story is about a princess who only marries if her suitor knows the answer to her riddle. If he doesnt know hell be turned to stone. There was a scene which they showed the previous suitors of the princess as statues in the garden. I remember vaguely that there was one suitor, a prince maybe who knew the answer and the face of the princess turns pale or something before returning to nomal when he indeed gives the right answer. Like a fairytale it all ends well. It might not even be an original English movie maybe dubbed even because the sound wasnt much in sync with the picture. Ive posted this on another site some time ago and someone pointed out that it has similarities with the opera Princess Turandot andor 1. Arabian nights. Though searching on IMDB has not brought me closer to an answer. Maybe the movie is loosely based on the abovementioned sources because as i can remember it, it was not a scene for scene adaptation from the bookopera to the screen. And i like to stress that it has no singing. Movie Dvd The Ten Commandments. So its no musical, no opera on stage that has been filmed for TV. And as far as im concerned is not part of a tvseries for example Shelly Duvalls Fairytale theatre. I hope someone can help me with this. Hi everybody, I had a look at Google and cant find the movie that I trying to remember its name. I watch this movie when child, I am 3. I barely remenber the full history but what I can remember is a chase of 2 or 3 children siblings They travel arround the country and every time the murder is closed and trying to get the children. I do not remember the exact motivation of the chase but I think it is because the children have testemoned a crime. Thanks for any help. Hi guys another one. It is a old comedy where a strange looking like Indian was wrongly inveted to a posh party in a huge mansion in USA There, he start doing several gaffes and the last one was start the automation system of the house opening a pool and people falled into the water. After that a big pool party take place instead the posh one. Thanks for any help.