Out of the Shadows Blu ray. Less than meets the eye. Reviewed by Martin Liebman, September 3, 2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows Bluray 2016 Starring Megan Fox, Will Arnett and Laura Linney. The Turtles return to save the city from a. Market saturation complete. And thats a pretty impressive feat for a series that dates back to comic books in the 1. But boy oh boy, have things really gone nuts. Children of the 8. CGlive action hybrid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlesreboot film and, with Out of the Shadows, a market dominance. TV screen attached, and no doubt to be joined. Oh, the kids will have to have it. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Full Hd' title='Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Full Hd' />Theres nothing hotter than the Turtles right now, it seems, and they may even be bigger than Paramounts other big money 8. Transformers, beside which Out of the Shadows feels almost. Theres a distinct formula at play here Michael Bay inspired visuals, very similar sound effects, a hope to capture the hearts of. Paramount certainly seems to have the market cornered on recreated nostalgia and. Unfortunately, and even as it stands a fair bit. Out of the Shadows really isnt that great of a movie. But the kids will most assuredly love it. It would seem the city is safe. The evil Shredder Brian Tee is behind bars and the turtles are free to spend their time honing their skills. Knicks from up inside the Gardens jumbotron. But when a brilliant scientist named Baxter Stockman Tyler Perry. Shredder break out of prison, all hell breaks loose. The jailbreak goes. Shredder is teleported to another dimension where he meets a slimy alien named Krang voiced by Brad Garrett whom Shredder. Charlottes sportstalk station featuring CBS Sports and local team broadcasts. Read the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on Movies. TURTLE POWER Trailer The Definitive History of the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Headed to DVD, VOD, and Digital HD by Matt Goldberg June 11, 2014. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows is a 2016 American action adventure film based on the Mirage Studios characters of the same name. Earth. Meanwhile, Shredder and Stockman perfect a dangerous ooze that transforms two hardened criminals Bebop. Gary Anthony Williams and Rocksteady Sheamus into powerful creatures. With Shredder on the lose, new foes to face, and an extra. Leo voiced by Pete Ploszek, Raph voiced by Alan Ritchson, Donnie voiced by Jeremy. Howard, and Mikey voiced by Noel Fisher must continue to learn from Master Splinter voiced by Tony Shalhoub and team with April ONeil. Megan fox, Casey Jones Stephen Amell, and Vernon Fenwick Will Arnett if they have any hope of once again saving the city from annihilation. IMAGES/2014/T/TEENAGE-MUTANT-NINJA-TURTLES-RAPHAEL.jpg' alt='Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Full Hd' title='Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Full Hd' />Out of the Shadows doesnt get much right. Its a better film than its predecessor, almost because it would be hard to be quite so bad. The story is ridiculously simple Shredder escapes and the turtles must save. The films dramatic angle is a little more palatable. Its about who they are, who they want to be, and what the city needs them to. They wrestle with the opportunity to selfishly look after their own interests or create the best them they can be rather than forge on. The themes of. identity, acceptance, misunderstanding, and judgment on physical appearance parallel many of todays real world headlines, but chances are. They will most certainly be more interested in, and mesmerized by, the barrage of CG and complex stunt work, which. Transformers in sight and sound alike. Theres even a transforming Bumblebee cameo, but beyond the obvious nod its impossible to. Michael Bay, not Dave green, directed. Bays fingerprints are. Out of the Shadows is a landmark visual effects film. Its sometimes impossible to tell where real. Its slick, seamless, and. Part of the problem stems from the movies density. Thats not a word that lands in a lot of film reviews, but Out of the. Shadows usually just feels too cluttered. Every fame comes littered with stuff the turtles, Donnie in particular, seem more. The underground lair and inside of the repurposed garbage truck are crammed with odds and ends. Its sensory overload and too much attention paid to goofy little add ons. Theres something to be said for the original live. The turtles are, or at least were, once upon a time, defined by only two things the color of their mask. Leonardo was blue mask and katanas. Donatello was purple mask and bo staff. Raphael was red mask and sai. Michelangelo. was orange mask and nunchucks. And they loved pizza. It was so simple. Now its taped glasses, buttons, holographic projection doodads, and. The more ragged look is welcome the masks are frayed, the shells a little beat up, even Raphaels do rag is a nice little. Theres just too much happening here, and with Donatello in particular. The movie and the Blu ray is at least done well enough that fans can pick. Unfortunately, it would seem the filmmakers have spent all of their creativity on how the world looks rather than how the movie plays. This is little. more than a stock modern summer flick, complete with all of that Bayhem at the center. Sure it looks cool, sounds nifty, but it brings nothing to. Turtles movie and particularly in the Transformers pictures. Even the movies. Some specifics have changed, sure, but the. Action wise, its efficient and dazzling, but boring from the repetition. The movie does, at least, feature fan favorite. Bebop and Rocksteady. Pro wrestling fans will be pleased to see WWE Superstar Sheamus playing the human Rocksteady and. No surprise, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows looks fantastic on Blu ray. While theres certainly a case of sensory overload. From. bright scientific offices to dank underground lairs, from sunlit city exteriors to nighttime freeway chases, the transfer sports a fantastically defined and. The crowded production design is, if nothing else, a treasure trove of trinkets that the Blu ray format finds fit to reveal in. Clothing is finely detailed, including the frayed and finely featured turtle masks. Human flesh is complex. Clarity. extends to the furthest reaches of the frame and even at some distance, particularly evident in more expansive city exteriors where near field rougher. Colors explode with frequency and vitality. The Knicks game literally leaps. The turtles trademark headbands feature the standby colors in well worn fashion. Every color in. the film is very well saturated and vibrant with only a few hints of excess gaudiness. Flesh tones do push a little hot, seemingly by design. Black. levels are crisp and deep. How To Download The Dog, The General, And The Birds The Full Movie. Very fine noise appears and saturates a couple of shots, but its never seriously intrusive or, often, all that evident. This is a. top end 1.