Could Netflix Kill the Movie Theater Industry The Weinstein Company, Netflix and IMAX caused quite the stir earlier this week when they announced they were partnering to distribute Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon The Green Legend exclusively and simultaneously through the streaming service and in IMAX theaters worldwide. Almost Heroes 3D Review on this page. Peter Parker is returning to Marvel. Or will it be Miles Morales In a reboot of the SpiderMan franchise, Sony Pictures Entertainment has announced a new. The full series, Marvels SpiderMan, will launch on Disney XD later this summer. Find all the Cinemark Movie Theater Locations in the US. Fandango can help you find any Cinemark theater, provide movie times and tickets. Literally the Spiderman movie we deserved SpiderMan Homecoming is the best SpiderMan movie yet a definitive take on the character that fits. SpiderMan, commonly referred to as SpiderMan The Animated Series after a certain other comic book cartoon that came out around the same time, is The 90s. A large part of the world has now seen the webslingers latest adventure and its spawned one question in particular who was Mr. Fierce in The Amazing SpiderMan 2Spiderman Animated Movie Theater Movie ScheduleIts a decision that has several major theater chains including Regal, Cinemark, and AMC Theaters angry over a ploy to cut them out of the distribution process and theyre now refusing to screen the film. Releasing a new film both in theaters and through on demand isnt unheard of, but the suddenness of TWCs decision to try this untested means of film distribution with a sequel as eagerly anticipated as the one to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is unprecedented. Yet, as theater attendance continues to drop, you cant really blame studios for looking at new ways to bolster their dwindling box office grosses. Netflix boasts more and more subscribers every year, with roughly 5. Spider-Man_musical.jpg' alt='Spider-Man Animated Movie Theater Movie' title='Spider-Man Animated Movie Theater Movie' />Thats a significant increase over where the company was only a few years ago, and its a good business strategy for studios to try reaching consumers where they already are sitting at home in front of their TVs. That was clearly actorwriter Adam Sandlers thought process when he signed an exclusive four picture deal between his production company, Happy Madison, and the streaming outlet. All of this begs the question Should movie theaters be worried about streaming services like Netflix stealing their audience Judging by how vehemently theaters are refusing to cooperate, they clearly believe new films being made available to stream at home on the same day as a theatrical release is a big threat. Though their decision to flat out refuse to screen Crouching Tiger 2 may prove harmful and their unwillingness to try something new could signal just how behind the times these major theater chains actually are. Changing How We Watch Movies. There is no denying that how we consume home media has changed drastically over the last two decades. The video rental shops are gone, and now the latest releases can be rented via mail or through Redboxs abundant kiosks. Thanks to how commonplace Internet access has become, perks that once only came with premium cable or satellite subscriptions like instantly streaming or downloading a new movie, for example are now readily available through pay services like i. Tunes or Amazon Instant. In addition to how easy it is to rent or own a movie, watching that movie at home has evolved into an entirely different experience. Todays televisions are generally larger flat panel displays with a widescreen presentation. They come with improved sound, too, though many viewers also invest in surround sound to more accurately mimic the theatrical experience. AK5E574i' alt='Spider-man Animated Movie Theater Movie Times' title='Spider-man Animated Movie Theater Movie Times' />And the home video releases themselves have only improved in quality since the advent of high definition formats like Blu ray. A better home viewing experience coupled with easier access to movies put it all together and its plain see why our habits have shifted toward watching more movies in the comfort of our own homes. And thats especially true if its a film many consider unworthy of theater viewing that is to say, a movie that doesnt necessarily benefit from a movie theaters larger scale and more robust sound. A drama or a romantic comedy, for instance, can be just as moving on a smaller, more intimate screen, while a fast paced, action packed thriller might lose some of the spectacle. Guardians of the Galaxy the highest grossing film domestically of 2. Deciding whether or not to see a film in theaters is a choice movie goers are making all the time, and one need only look at what films dominate the box office every year to see how they choose. Superhero movies, big action blockbusters, animated family films. For the most part, audiences choose to see films in theaters that have impressive visual effects and sound, which a theaters presentation will only enhance. Interestingly, Crouching Tiger 2 would likely fall into that category of a movie enhanced by a theaters video and sound projection, especially since its sure to include incredibly choreographed fight scenes and sweeping views of beautiful vistas. But with more and more theater chains refusing to screen the film, North American audiences may have to settle for an at home viewing. Movie Theater Struggles. There are other factors, however, that are playing into why movie theaters have been experiencing a steady decline in business. For one, those same advancements that led to a better home viewing experience also led to more forms of entertainment constantly vying for our attention. Television continues to be tough competition for the movie theater. In many ways, TV has simply stolen a lot of cinemas best tricks like good production values and top tier actors and brought them into peoples living rooms. Top Grossing SpiderMan Movies at the Box Office. In addition, video games have progressed rapidly over the last decade and have recently come into their own as an impressive and more importantly, immersive medium for storytelling. And as if that wasnt enough, theres the Internet and its pervasive role in our everyday life. Today, consumers have a ridiculous amount of choices for how to unwind, and movie theaters arent always the most tempting option. Their biggest obstacle driving away consumers is the rising price of admission, which in 2. America cross the 8 mark for the first time. And if you live in a major metropolitan city, its nearly 1. D. That increase is partially due to the higher prices for 3. D and IMAX tickets, but its also related to the sagging box office numbers. As films earn less revenue, the studios that produce them earn less. Because of this, studios start taking a larger cut of the profit made from ticket sales, leaving the exhibiting theater with less. This is why the price for tickets and even concessions where a movie theater earns the vast majority of its profit have risen, while the earnings at the box office continue to fall. Then again, theaters purposefully refusing to screen what could potentially be a high grossing film especially when bolstered by those higher costing IMAX tickets might be doing themselves a disservice. Either way, TWC, Netflix, and even IMAX thanks to the growing number of IMAX screens operating in China will make back their investment. Assuming, of course, that Crouching Tiger 2 isnt a total flop. Still Worth Going to the Movies This debate over improved home theaters, more choices in entertainment, or simply that movie theaters have become too expensive all boils down to one question Is it still worth going to the movies YES. Unequivocally, yes. While the advancements in home theaters have been great and are likely only to improve, nothing in your living room will compare to a move theaters 7. Most movies are made to be screened on a larger than life scale, and thats a trick television will likely never be able to copy. Plus, its not as if the theaters have been stagnant, they too have been upgrading with new features. Most major chain theaters have progressed to entirely digital presentations, forgoing traditional film prints which show wear and over time break down. Theres the obvious additions of 3. D and IMAX presentation, and slowly more filmmakers are opting for the faster frame rate of 4. Beyond these changes in how a theater presents its films, more and more theaters are catering to whole movie going experience. Recent years have seen a surge in theaters that serve better quality food than the typical concession stand fare in some cases theyll even have full kitchens and bars, operating more like a restaurant than a movie theater. Some feature reserved seating to guarantee you have the best seat in the house, while others have begun enforcing strict no texting policies to better ensure a distraction free viewing environment. Spiderman Animated Movie Theater Movie ShowtimesWith the news that Crouching Tiger 2 will release simultaneously in theaters as well as on Netflix, should the movie theater industry be worried about losing their. SpiderMan is a 2002 American superhero film directed by Sam Raimi and based on the Marvel Comics comic book series titled The Amazing SpiderMan. SpiderMan 3 is a 2007 American superhero film based on the fictional Marvel Comics comic book series The Amazing SpiderMan. It was directed by Sam Raimi from a.