The 1. 00 best British films, Feature MoviesThe British are coming, trumpeted Chariots Of Fire screenwriter Colin Welland infamously at the 1. Oscars. In truth the British were already there. Theyd been making movies for over a century, with plenty of stick on masterpieces in that number. Directed by Steve Box, Nick Park. With Peter Sallis, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes, Peter Kay. Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the. The Emperors New Groove 2000 When Disney started to go off the rails at the turn of the century, the result was a series of unsuccessful course. From Hitchcock to Lean, Powell and Pressburger to Loach and Boyle, Empires 1. Best British Films celebrates the very finest of them. Years 2. 01. 5Directed by Andrew Haigh. Starring Charlotte Rampling, Tom Courtenay. Two giants of British screen acting, surprisingly working together for the first time, make a combustible double act in this Norfolk set two hander. Charlotte Rampling scored her first Oscar nod as Kate Mercer, one half of a long married couple nearing a key milestone. The other half, husband Geoff Tom Courtenay, has long hidden skeletons in closet or in this case, attic that she unwittingly discovers at this key moment. Cue brewing tensions, agonised soul searching and a portrait of marriages autumnal challenges thats handled with great subtlety and sensitivity by director Andrew Haigh. The Ipcress File 1. Directed by Sidney J. Furie. Starring Michael Caine, Gordon Jackson, Nigel Green, Guy Doleman, Sue Lloyd. Since it simply wasnt possible to compete with Connerys 0. Sidney J. Furies first adaptation of cook turned author Len Deightons Cold War novels goes the other way. While investigating kidnapped scientists, undisciplined surveillance man Harry Palmer doesnt globe trot, bed hop or trade verbage with cat stroking megalomaniac villains he spends his time on mundane form filling tasks in drab offices. Despite coming from the Bondian creative team supremo Harry Saltzman, designer Ken Adams, editor Peter Hunt, scorer John Barry, this labyrinthine thriller provides a credible everyman alternative to Bond while embracing British everydayness. Theres decent support too most notably from Gordon Jackson, but the adventures are worth watching for Michael Caines arguably most iconic role, where his unique brand of cockney cool really started to shine. Oh What A Lovely War 1. Directed by Richard Attenborough.' alt='Sci Fi Movies Dvd Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit ' title='Sci Fi Movies Dvd Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit ' />Top Upcoming Scary Horror Movies of 2017. Our users picked these new 2017 horror movies as the most anticipated movies to see in 2017. You have to check out these. Starring Dirk Bogarde, John Mills, Vanessa Redgrave, Michael Redgrave, Maggie Smith, Laurence Olivier, Paul Shelley. Starring enough Redgraves to populate a small island, Richard Attenboroughs Great War musical flaunts one of the chunkiest contacts book in British movie history. The director assembled the cream of 6. British satire. At times it plays like the most thespian game of I spy in history. The general behind that bushy moustache Laurence Olivier, of course. That recruitment drive chanteuse Maggie Smith. And arent those Dirk Bogarde, John Mills and Vanessa Redgrave doing their bit for the war effort Oh What A Luvvie War might have been a better title. But stardom aside, it adds up to an indictment of the Wars immeasurable suffering thats both scathing and deeply moving. If the chronological approach gives it an occasionally episodic quality, Attenborough choreographs it all with such flair and compassion that it feels like the worlds most dazzling history lesson. Filled with the hummable tunes from the trenches and boasting one of the most heartbreaking final shots in cinema, its an unsung epic. Hour Party People 2. Directed by Michael Winterbottom. Starring Steve Coogan, Paddy Considine, Shirley Henderson. Ostensibly a movie about the Manchester music scene between 7. Up is a 2009 American 3D computeranimated comedyadventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Pete Docter. Wallace Gromit The Curse of the WereRabbit Bluray 2005 Starring Peter Sallis, Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter. From the Academy Awardwinning creators. Hour Party People spends more time mocking its lead character and narrator, record label owner Tony Wilson played by Steve Coogan, than relaying the stories of Joy Division, New Order and Happy Mondays, all of whom passed through his orbit. But as you roll on the floor laughing when Tony crashes into a tree while riding a hang glider, or gets caught by his wife in the back of a nosh van getting oral pleasures from a stranger, you really dont mind how much 9. Deftly directed by Winterbottom, 2. HPP as no one ever calls it is far, far funnier than anyone should ever expect a biopic to be. If you can call it a biopic. Or expect anything of it at all, really. Nil By Mouth 1. 99. Directed by Gary Oldman. Starring Ray Winstone, Kathy Burke, Jamie Foreman, Charlie Creed Miles. We all know that Gary Oldman is an actors actor hes established his reputation beyond doubt over the past three decades but this as yet sole effort as auteur shows that hes an actors director too. A disturbingly honest and unflinching look at the practice and results of domestic violence, this gave Ray Winstone an astonishing chance to shine and established him as both a hardman and an actor capable of great subtlety and range even as he plays someone capable of neither. But no less capable is Kathy Burke, previously best known for TV comedy, who gives a three dimensional performance in what could have been a simple victim role. Its not a feelgood effort quite the opposite but a semi autobiographical exorcism of the demons of Oldmans own south London upbringing that shows a side of life that we might all prefer to ignore. Few debuts are this powerful or memorable. Gregorys Girl 1. Directed by Bill Forsyth. Starring John Gordon Sinclair, Dee Hepburn, Jake DArcy, Claire Grogan. There are many teen comedies, and teen sex comedies. None, however, come close to Gregorys Girl, a story of love and lust burning in all its teenage intensity that manages both realism and unspeakable hilarity without ever forgetting to sympathise with its subjects. John Gordon Sinclair is the youngster struck down with adoration for the gorgeous, football playing Dorothy Dee Hepburn, while Grogan plays Susan, Dorothys friend and a far better bet for the awkward Romeo. Its a familiar set up, but its almost never been as beautifully observed or intelligently written as it is here, for which all credit to Bill Forsyth. After all, dates that involve aimless walks and visits to the chip shop will ring just a little bit more true to life than American cinemas endless parade of proms, beach parties and sporting events. View it as a companion piece to the directors Local Hero, and settle yourself in for some of the most convincing real life laughs you will ever see on film. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 2. Directed by Tomas Alfredson. Starring Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, John Hurt, Ciaran Hinds, Mark Strong, Tom Hardy. Elegant and measured storytelling secures Tomas Alfredsons Cold War thriller a spot on the list. Led by Gary Oldmans buttoned down George Smiley Its a sitting down role, as he describes it, its an old fashioned search for a mole among the top spies of The Circus, something made more difficult by the fact that hes officially retired. Also, of course, the suspects are some of Blightys finest actors, from Colin Firth to Toby Jones and Ciaran Hinds, while the pawns at stake include Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy, so theyre not going to be easy to read. With that lot on top form, Alfredson might have been forgiven for just pointing the camera at them and giving up, but in fact he crafts a grimy, distinctly 7. London in muted tones and dim shadows and gives the whole thing a sheen of undoubted quality. Brazil 1. 98. 5Directed by Terry Gilliam. Starring Jonathan Pryce, Kim Greist, Robert De Niro, Michael Palin, Ian Holm, Bob Hoskins. Theres a cruel irony in the fact that Terry Gilliams hymn to non conformity ran smack into huge studio pressure to conform to audience expectation. Specifically, Universals grande fromage Sid Sheinberg believed that its ending was too bleak and needed less, well, bleakness. Being Sid Sheinberg he was in a position to force through his infamous Love Conquers All edit, unwittingly providing Gilliams unique sci fi with the Big Brother figure it didnt boast on screen. Sheinberg had less luck foisting a new title on the film the director himself combed through numerous ideas, the Orwell referencing 1. The Croods Wikipedia. The Croods is a 2. American 3. Dcomputer animatedcomedyadventure film produced by Dream. Works Animation and distributed by 2. Century Fox. It stars the voices of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Clark Duke, and Cloris Leachman. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as The Croodaceous a prehistoric period which contains fictional prehistoric creatures when a cavemans position as a Leader of the Hunt is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who comes up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home. The Croods was written and directed by Kirk De. Watch Full Anohana The Cartoon: The Flower We Saw That Day 2002. Micco and Chris Sanders, and produced by Kristine Belson and Jane Hartwell. The film premiered at the 6. Berlin International Film Festival on February 1. United States on March 2. As part of the distribution deal, this is the first film from Dream. Works Animation to be distributed by 2. Century Fox, since the end of their distribution deal with Paramount Pictures. The Croods received generally positive reviews, and proved to be a box office success, earning more than 5. The film launched a new franchise,9 with a television series, Dawn of the Croods, which debuted on December 2. Netflix. 1. 0 A sequel was announced for a 2. However, it was put back into production in 2. September 1. 8, 2. A cave family called the Croods survives due to the overprotective nature of their stubborn, stern patriarch, father, Grug. The only one who questions the familys sheltered life is his teenaged daughter Eep who frequently disobeys her fathers orders out of curiosity, which he finds dangerous. Grug and Eep, along with her mother and his wife Ugga, her grandmother Gran, and her younger brother and sister Thunk and Sandy face time sheltered in their cave home. Eep sneaks out when she sees what she discovers to be a torch of fire and she encounters an inventive modern human boy named Guy and his petsloth Belt. He warns her of an impending apocalypse and offers to take her with him, but concerned for her family, Eep stays, getting a shell horn from him to blow in case she needs his help. Reuniting with her frantic father, she tries to tell her family what Guy told her, but fearing things that are different and new Grug destroys her horn. A massive earthquake then destroys their home, and to avoid the earlier carnivore, they descend down into a tropical forest that lay hidden behind their cave all the time. Encountering a Macawnivore a brightly colored feline that Gran dubs Chunky the Death Cat, the family flees him until he is deterred by swarms of piranhakeets that devoured a ground whale. Using another horn, Eep calls to Guy who rescues them from the birds with his fire. After a great deal of confusion regarding their first contact with fire, Grug imprisons Guy in a log until he can guide them somewhere safe. Outrunning the destruction, Guy is trusted enough to be let out of the log and he gives the Croods rudimentary shoes to walk over the harsh landscape as he leads them to a mountain in which he says will be safe. Guy also tells them stories of Tomorrow a haven of safety where he is headed and where curiosity is not deadly as Grug had claimed. At his treetop home, Grug sees the impression Guy is leaving on his family and he becomes jealous, especially when he realizes that Eep has fallen in love with Guy. Attempting to invent things like Guy, Grug only further embarrasses himself and drives his family further away from him. After the family is split up in a labyrinth of tunnels, all but Grug manages to escape by coming up with ideas of overcoming obstacles in their paths. Reaching the mountain, Grug tries to force his family to hide out in a cave, but they resist, telling him that they cant live in caves anymore, that they dont want to survive but to live. This enrages Grug, who attacks Guy and the both of them end up in a tar flow where Grug learns that Guys family had perished in one. Realizing that Guys method of survival is better for his family, Grug works with him and they lure Chunky into a trap to free themselves. The family reunites, then flees a massive cataclysm as the land begins to violently rip apart. The family is cut off from their destination by a continental split, but Grug, realizing the errors of his ways decides to throw his family to safety. He shares an invention he calls a hug with Eep, briefly before sending her across as well. Cut off from his family, Grug finds a cave for safety, where he encounters Chunky who is truly a frightened and sweet feline, and he comes up with an idea to get across the chasm. Using a skeleton and the Piranhakeets to fashion a simple airship, Grug manages to send themselves including several animals the family had encountered during their journey, across the chasm, reuniting with his family once again. He apologizes to them all and promises to never be so overbearing again. Later, the Croods now live on the land and have settled on a vast beach where every day they can follow the light to Tomorrow. Nicolas Cage as Grug Crood, a caveman who is the well meaning but overprotective and old fashioned patriarch of the Croods family. Emma Stone as Eep Crood, a rebellious teenage cavegirl who is Grug and Uggas eldest daughter and is filled with curiosity and a desire for exploring and wonder. Ryan Reynolds as Guy, a nomadic boy who is not as strong as the Croods, but prefers using his brain and comes up with various ideas and inventions. He is accompanied by a sloth named Belt. Catherine Keener as Ugga Crood, a cavewoman who is Grugs wife, the daughter of Gran, and the mother of Eep, Thunk, and Sandy. She is more open minded than Grug, but also finds it difficult to keep her family safe. Clark Duke as Thunk Crood, a caveboy who is Grug and Uggas son. Thunk is the 9 year old middle child, who is not bright and has bad coordination but has a good heart. He gets a crocopup named Douglas for a pet. Cloris Leachman as Gran, an old and ferocious cavewoman who is the mother in law of Grug, the mother of Ugga, and the grandmother of Eep, Thunk, and Sandy. Chris Sanders as Belt, Guys pet sloth. Randy Thom as Sandy Crood, Grug and Uggas ferocious baby daughter who still bites and growls instead of speaking. Thom created her voice with creature noises. ProductioneditThe film was announced in 2. Crood Awakening,1. Aardman Animations1. Dream. Works Animation. John Cleese and Kirk De. Micco had been working together on a feature based on Roald Dahls story The Twits,1. Dream. Works got a copy of their script and liked it, and invited Cleese and De. Micco over to take a look at the companys ideas to see if they found something they would like to work with. They chose a basic story idea about two cavemen on the run, an inventor and a luddite,1. In January 2. 00. Aardman, the rights for the film reverted to Dream. Works. 2. 0In March 2. Chris Sanders, the writer of Mulan and writerdirector of Lilo Stitch, joined Dream. Works to direct the film, with intentions to significantly rewrite the script. In September 2. 00. Sanders took over How to Train Your Dragon putting The Croods on hold,2. March 2. 01. 2. 2. The films final title, The Croods, was revealed in May 2. Kirk De. Micco. 2. In March 2. 01. 1, the film got another delay, being pushed back a year to March 1, 2. March 2. 2. 2. 6ReleaseeditThe Croods had its world premiere in the out of competition section at the 6. Berlin International Film Festival on February 1. It premiered in the United States on March 2. The film was the first feature film to be shown in the 4. DX format, featuring strobe lights, tilting seats, blowing wind and fog and odor effects in Hungary, which is shown at the Cinema City theater in Budapest, Hungary. It was also the first film in China to be distributed by Oriental Dream. Works, a film production and distribution company founded in 2.