B7AF9000005DC-291_634x416.jpg' alt='Romantic Horror Movies Magik ' title='Romantic Horror Movies Magik ' />See Also Expanded History The XMen and a privately owned security force created to harbor. Zawapi. Com is a mobile toplist for mobile web sites. We have over 2000 registered sites. David Haller Earth 6. Marvel Database. Gallery Current Alias. Legion Occupation. Adventurer, student Unusual Features. Both eyes have different irises Complete Heterochromia, Unusually tall flat top haircut that resist all attempt at restyling it. Romantic Horror Movies Magik ' title='Romantic Horror Movies Magik ' />Mobile toplist for mobile web sites. We have over 2000 registered sites. The Most Anticipated Indian Movies and Shows widget tracks the realtime popularity of relevant pages on IMDb, and displays those that are currently generating the. The Phoenix Force is a fictional entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The entity has bonded with other characters, and often used the. Early Life. David Haller is the son of Professor Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller, who later became the Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom. Charles and Gabrielle Haller had an affair in Israel nearly two decades ago, and Charles was unaware when he left Israel that Haller was pregnant with his son. Haller concealed the fact that Charles was the father of her son, David, and Charles himself only learned that he was Davids father some time after founding the New Mutants. David was born a mutant with the potential for superhuman powers. Power Development. When David was living in Paris with his mother, who was a member of the Israel diplomatic service, her home was invaded by a terrorist assassination team out to kill every Israeli they could find there. They murdered Davids stepfather, Daniel Shomron, before his eyes. Davids terror catalyzed his latent psionic powers, which he used to incinerate the brains of the assassins. However, as he did so, he found himself making telepathic contact with each of his victims, thus experiencing their thoughts and emotions as they died. The horror of all this deeply traumatized the gentle, loving David, forcing him into a catatonic state. The consciousness of the leader of the assassins, Jemail Karami, was absorbed into Davids mind. Jemail Karami. Karamis consciousness merged with Davids, and it took Karami years to separate his consciousness from his psychic captors. Nevertheless, although Karami regained his sense of self, his consciousness remained trapped within Davids mind. Karami discovered that he somehow gained control of Davids mutant telepathic power and used it to read Davids mind. Karami thus discovered that David was essentially a gentle, innocent person. Karami then read the minds of Gabrielle Haller and others, and with a better understanding of those around him, decided to restore Davids mind to normalcy. The terrible trauma that David had suffered had splintered Davids personality into multiple personalities. Each of these personalities controlled a different psionic power, many of which are as yet unknown. Karami began re integrating these personalities into Davids core personality, which was that of a little boy desperately needing parental help. However, some of these personalities resisted Karamis efforts, and two proved to be particularly formidable opponents Jack Wayne, a swaggering adult roustabout adventurer who commanded Davids telekinetic power, and Cyndi, a temperamental, rebellious girl who controlled Davids pyrokinetic power. Wayne was especially hostile, and intended to destroy Karamis consciousness in order to preserve his own independent existence within Davids mind. Karami found himself fighting a war against Wayne and the other resisting personalities in a dreamscape world within Davids mind resembling a mad blend of Paris from Davids childhood memories and Beirut from Karamis memories. Cyndi. On Muir Island. When David was in his late teens he had gone from being catatonic to being autistic and had been placed by his mother in the care of Dr. Moira Mac. Taggart, a renowned scientist engaged in the study of mutants, and a longtime colleague of Charles Xavier. David began to manifest his psionic abilities uncontrollably in the real world, and absorbed the psyches of two of Mac. Taggarts friends, Tom Corsi and Sharon Friedlander. Mac. Taggart summoned Xavier to her research center on Muir Island off the coast of Scotland, bringing with him several of the New Mutants, including Cypher, Mirage, and Wolfsbane. David absorbed Mac. Taggart and Wolfsbanes consciousnesses, or their astral selves, into his mind. Xaviers attempted to probe Davids mind, bringing Mirages astral self with him for assistance. Davids mind then absorbed the astral selves of Cypher and Gabrielle Haller, and those of Xavier and Mirage followed them. It was just before Xavier actually entered Davids mind that he learned that David was his son and that the multiple personalities called themselves Legion after the Biblical quotation Mark 5 9, My name is Legion for we are many. All of the consciousnesses that Legion had just captured retained their independent existences within Davids mind. The new arrivals found themselves teaming up with Wayne and Cyndi against Karami, having been deceived by Wayne as to Karamis true motives. However, Mirage prevented Wayne from destroying Karami, who told her and Gabrielle Haller how he had been trying to help David. Working with the reluctant Wayne, Mirage and Karami completed the task of restoring Davids mind to near normalcy, and Mirage and Karami returned the consciousnesses absorbed from outside including Mirages own back to their own bodies. Since Karamis body was long dead, his psyche remained within Davids mind. Jack Wayne. However, Karami was unable to integrate the Wayne and Cyndi personalities into Davids core persona, and so they remained separate personalities within Davids mind. Wayne and Cyndi sometimes spoke to people in the real world through David, as could Karami, whose consciousness also remained an independent entity within Davids mind. However, David himself was no longer autistic, and his normal, core personality was in control of his mind and body. Davids dominant personality was still that of a ten year old boy, just as it was before he suffered the trauma. Apparently the conflict within Davids mind among his splinter personalities affected his physiognomy, accounting for his unusual appearance. Perhaps one of his personalities controlled shapeshifting powers. It is not known whether or not David would have been more normal in appearance if his normal personality had retained control of his body. Some time later, an accident happened that would have killed Wolfsbane and Moira if David hadnt used his telekinetic power to save them. Movies For Apple Ipod Disaster! The Movie on this page. However, by doing this David allowed Jack to take control over his body and escape to Scotland to indulge himself. The New Mutants tracked him down and fought him. Jack forced Cyndi to help him. Cyndi didnt like being anyones puppet, but she didnt want to be locked up for only wanting to live. Sunspot had Magik take him and Legion into Limbo, warning Jack that unless he relinquished control, Magik would remove him from Legions mind and obliterate him in response, Jack retreated into Davids subconscious, allowing David to resume control. Months later, Muir Island was attacked by Donald Pierce and his Reavers during their ongoing campaign against Wolverine and his friends. David was in the nursery playing with Sunder and the Warpies, who were taken in when the island became a safe haven for the lost souls. Again, David reached out with his telekinetic powers, hoping to defend his friends from harm, but once more allowed Jack Wayne to reach the surface of his mind. Now in control, Wayne thought it would be cute to reshape the telekinetic shield to protect only him, leaving Sunder vulnerable to the gunfire. Jack and Cyndi ran wild during the attack, doing as they pleased without any thought of the consequences, even after Freedom Force arrived to help fend off the Reavers. By snuffing out Pyros flame at a key moment, Cyndi accidentally ensured the death of Stonewall. Legion, while under the control of the Shadow King, also assaulted the elderly precog, Destiny, who had sensed him in advance and sent her protector Forge away so that he would not suffer the same fate. Legion probed Destinys mind, only to see visions of his own uncertain future reflected in her precognitive sight. Panicking, Legion struck out with a telepathic blast and killed Destiny before she could show him any more.