Noemi Durini. Ragazza scomparsa a Lecce, il fidanzato confessa Lho uccisa ioNoemi, ritrovato il cadavere della 16enne scomparsa a Lecce. FileLibrary/ProductResources/Images/206955-L-LO.jpg' alt='Romance Films Captain Sabertooth Toys' title='Romance Films Captain Sabertooth Toys' />Fan. Fiction. Author has written 1. Harry Potter, Avatar Last Airbender, Gargoyles, Twilight, Hellsing, Batman, X Men Evolution, Bones, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, Birds Of Prey, Kung Fu Panda, Ironman, X Men, Justice League, Jurassic Park, Treasure Planet, Sleeping Beauty, Zoids, Star. Trek Voyager, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Greek Mythology, Misc. Romance Films Captain Sabertooth TrailerBooks, Hatfields Mc. Coys, Jaws, Avengers, Mulan, X overs, Hobbit, Temeraire, Injustice Gods Among Us, AliensPredator, Teen Titans, Black Lagoon, Frozen, Little Mermaid, DC Superheroes, Scooby Doo, G. I. Joe The Rise of Cobra, Grimm, Once Upon a Time, Devil Wears Prada, Star Wars, Star Wars The Clone Wars, Inheritance Cycle, Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego, Kim Possible, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mighty Ducks, Rizzoli Isles, Incredible Hulk, Tarzan, Lion King, Dirty Harry, Thor, Misc. Tv Shows, Thor, Norse Mythology, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Game of Thrones, Hansel Gretel, Danny Phantom, How to Train Your Dragon, Fantastic Four Worlds Greatest Heroes, Daily Life with a Monster Girl, and RWBY. ALL OF MY CHALLENGES CAN NOW BE FOUND IN MY FORUMS http www. All responses to my challenges, that I know of, can be found in my community, Whitetigerwolfs Challenges, found below. Completed Stories 2. Luke Plunkett. Luke Plunkett is a Contributing Editor based in Canberra, Australia. He has written a book on cosplay, designed a game about airplanes, and also runs. One Shots Includes One Shots written with a second Chapter 1. Works In Progress 2. AbandonedUp for Adoption Does not count stories posted in Please Adopt Me 4. Co Write 1. 00. Devinat. ART Profile You. Tube Channel http www. I dont post any stories there, but you can see some art that I like. Im not an artist myself, cant draw worth crap. A MESSAGE TO ALL REVIEWERS Thanks to several Anonymous Reviews that were out of line, I have disabled Anonymous Reviews. I dont mind critisism, but telling me Im an idiot who shouldnt ever have children is severely over the line. If you criticize my story, at least allow me the right to present my point in a reply and dont insult me personally. Insults are childish and have no place on this site. I would also like to say that Im a vindictive person by nature. As I previously stated, I dont mind critisism in my reviews, as long as its done in a polite manner. Insult me in a review, where anyone can see it, Ill be impolite in my response to you in my authors notes, where anyone can see it. If youre polite, Ill be polite, and depending on the review, Ill politely inform you in an authors note or PM you. If you insult me in a PM, Ill read it, delete it, block you, and that will be the end of it. Bottom line, BE POLITE If you think Im being defensive, youre right. I do this for fun, but I still put in time, thought, and effort into my stories however poor or great they may seem to you. And I take people who insult my work, paid or not, as an insult to myself. If you think Im being childish, then youre the pot calling the kettle black as far as Im concerned. Its human nature to defend ourselves. I never said my stories are perfect, in fact I know theyre not, its why I dont mind polite non insulting critisim. It helps me improve. For all of you that are polite when review, thank you and please dont stop. I do try and respond to the people who find faults, aside from spelling and grammer, with my story either in a PM or in my authors notes and try to explain why, to me at least, my logic isnt faulty, or the reasons why Ive done somthing, unless I feel responding would ruin a surprise I have in store regarding my story. And somtimes people do change my mind. Be polite, and I will too. And if you dont like my story, dont read it. For those of you that read these profiles, I have another rant. Im sorry if it offends anyone, but this is bugging me. Today, I posted a new story, Secrets. Its a one shot and I have no plans to continue it. But I got this anonymous review Stop writing new stories, and finish the stories you already have ffs Now, if this was for another, multi chaptered story, Id understand it. I already have too many in progress works posted on this site. However, to get this review on a COMPLETE ONE SHOT, ticked me off. Honestly, I get that unfinished stories are annoying, there are several stories on site that I wish authors would just hurry up and finish. Considering that one of my favorite stories of all time on this site is only two chapters long, and I hope every day to see an update, I understand completely. That said, when a story is complete, what is wrong with posting itEven if you have multiple unfinished stories posted Its not like I plan on starting a whole new story, just to leave another work in progress that is unfinished. Many times, I never plan to come back to my one shots. Ill admit that it has happened that several months later I get the inspiration to add on to a plotline Living LifeLife Collapses, His, The WWSD, but I dont post one shots thinking Oh this will be another great, unfinished story for me to leave dangling in front of my readers. Seriously Do you guys know just how held back I am, having ONLY 2. WIPs I have 1. 13 UN POSTED WIPs on my computer. I know because I just went through and counted them. Thats not even counting the ideas I have in my head that I havent yet posted, or the 1. I gave up on and put up for adoption. And after getting that review, I was sorely tempted to post each and every one, some of witch are only in the first chapter, and some of which Im several chapters into. I wish I could say that yes, I can focus on one story and finish it, I really do. And I applaud those authors on this site that are capable of it. If any of you are reading this, even if Im not a fan of the genres you write in, I applaud you for this ability to focus on one story. BUT I CANT DO ITMy mind simply does not work this way, even as Im writing this, my mind is going on three constantly changing tangents. When Im inspired, I write, when Im not, I work on something else. I may know what I want to happen in the story, but for some reason, translating what I want is not that easy. Im going to use Magus, Grim, and Nightshade as an example, for those of you who have not read it. SPOILER ALERTEveryone whose read to this point no doubt knows that I am having Sabertooth train Hermione. Now here is the problem, I know that Sabertooth is going to train Hermione, but HOW is he going to do it And, more importantly, how AM I, as the writer, going to describe the training If I really wanted to, I could simply write, Victor trained Hermione. Thats it, the end. You know shes been trained, but not how. END SPOILER ALERTThat is what I need inspiration for, In all my stories. I know whats going to happen, even with Serpent Court, which I havent updated in several years, I know what I want to happen. But I havent gotten the inspiration yet to describe HOW these things happen. Again, sorry about the rant, and as I said earlier, I could understand if it were another unfinished story I was posting. But to have that comment posted with a one shot. Its not like Im doing this for money, where an unfinished story is going to ruin me. This is a hobby, one I do fo fun. And to get comments like that, that make absolutely no sense being posted in such circumstances, annoys me to the point that I find it hard to continue writing, simply because its stuck in my head and annoying the life out of me that I cant focus on what Im writing and I lose that precious inspiration. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these tales of mine that you choose to read, unfinished or not. Free Pixies Online. ATTENTION ALL READERS, PLEASE READ Because I am tired of all the PMs asking me if my stories are abandoned, up for adoption, this is my answer. Unless the stories are in PLEASE ADOPT MEComplete, they are active, even if I havent updated in forever.