Indian epic tales ripe for cinema. Kotha Basi Reddy, owner of an animation studio, says theres lots of material waiting to be used from mythology. The Visual Effects VFX industry in India has a bright future as more and more top filmmakers will soon be looking at high end fantasies. And, Indian mythology with its plethora of epic stories, has a lot of fantasies to offer, says Kotha Basi Reddy, the pioneer of digital technology in Indian films. VFX industry is going to grow after Baahubali. The films will involve a lot of computer graphics because director S. S. Rajamouli has shown that visualisation of fantasy is the most important thing in movies, Reddy said in an interview. Hollywood movies go all over the world with so much CG and special effects because of fantasy. People love it, said Reddy, who introduced digital technology into movie making in India in 2. Reddy owns Digiquest, a VFX and animation studio that has contributed to the making of over 4. Baahubali, Magadheera, Eega, Katmarayudu and Kick. He says Indian mythology could provide the best subjects for such movies. In Indian mythology there is so much of sci fi. Its not even funny. We talk about Ravana flying on a plane and taking Sita with him. There are many epic stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata, he said. Referring to the Hollywood movie Avatar, he said it was a blend of Rama and Hanuman. The whole world is learning from us, taking away things from us, but we have failed in creating a brand, he added. Reddy believes that if movies based on Indian mythology with VFX and CG are made, the whole world would watch them. He says that Indians have the ability to make such films, since work for many international projects is done in the country. Would you believe that the tiger in Life of Pi is not a real tiger but a digital one he asked and pointed out that most of the work on the movie was done in Hyderabad. He admitted that Indian audiences dont watch much animation and the movies are largely star driven. This will change as new kids are coming. Digital will have a big role. You will see young stars making movies which will be internationally acceptable. It will no longer be song and dance movies, Reddy said. Reddy recalled that he bought costly digital equipment in the early years with a huge investment. The technology has changed a lot. Set in the kingdom of Kurukshetra on Indias northern plains, the epic narrates a succession struggle among members of the Bharata ruling family that results in a. Welcome to EyeonAnime. Watch Anime Online Free Anime Episodes, Movies and OVAs. Ramayana is a Hindu book about Rama incarnation of Vishnu. It tells the story of Rama and his his wife Sita. Download Ramayana free ePubMOBIPDF ebook. I brought a digital camera which then cost 9. Dh. 36. 3,5. 54. Today the same camera costs not even 9. Reddy, who has so far invested Rs. Dh. 17. 1 million in his studio. Though the revenues of Digiquest had reduced by half to Dh. Reddy is happy that he contributed to the growth of the sector. I did not return to India from the US to make money, said Reddy. He is proud to have been part of the process that democratised the film industry. Youngsters, through short films, are showcasing their talent. Their films are getting millions of hits from all over the world, he said. Reddy is now trying to address the issue of manpower and has set up an academy offering courses in movie making, visual effects, animation and game design. Our equipment is free not just for students of the academy but also others who bring a good script. The short movies will be uploaded on our channel and we will share the money, said Reddy, who has so far produced eight short movies. Reddy has a dream of making an Oscar winning movie. It will be in animated format and I will work with my students to make it, he said. Reddy, who is a member of CII National Media Entertainment Committee, lamented that the government is doing little to create better opportunities for talented people. There is so much of educational, research, simulation and training material to be created in the digital format in this country that we dont have enough people, he said. Ramayana: The Epic Free Online' title='Ramayana: The Epic Free Online' />Significance of Ramnavami The Divine Life Societyby Swami Sivananda. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram. SALUTATIONS to Lord Rama, an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is measureless, who is of the nature of pure Consciousness and bliss, who is the consort of Sita, Master of Sri Hanuman, and the Lord of the three worlds, who took His birth at His own will in order to establish righteousness, destroy the wicked and protect His devotees. Ramnavami or the birthday of Lord Rama falls on the 9th day of the bright fortnight of the month of Chaitra March April. Rama was the Lord Hari Himself, incarnate on earth for the destruction of Ravana. He was well accomplished, beautiful and endowed with royal marks. His glory and prowess were unlimited. He was peerless on earth. He was free from malice. He was gentle. He was the protector of all His people. He always addressed them in gentle words. He never used any harsh words even when somebody provoked Him. He held sway over the whole world. Let Sri Rama be your ideal. Ideals are remembered and adored for the purpose of adopting them in your own life. The Ramnavmi celebration or the Vasanta Navaratri every year is an opportune period for us to saturate ourselves with the spirit of Lord Rama. We love and adore our ideals because we express thereby our yearning to unite with them. In our worship of God it is implied that we should be virtuous, good and perfect even as God is. Hence the wise instruction One should become divine in order to be able to worship God. One cannot be a real worshipper of Lord Rama unless one makes an honest attempt to grow in the virtues that the Lord represents. On the other hand, worship of Lord Rama is itself the surest means to develop such virtues. One who approaches Sri Rama with love and worshipfulness becomes large hearted, pure in spirit, good natured and dispassionate in thought, word and deed. A true devotee of Lord Rama is His representative, with His power and His knowledge. Lord Rama was the prince of the Ikshvaku race. He was virtuous and of manly strength. He was the Lord of the mind and the senses. Brave and valiant, He was yet gentle and modest. He was a sage in counsel, kind and sweet in speech, and most courteous and handsome in appearance. He was the master of all the divine weapons, and a great warrior. Ever devoted to the good and prosperity of His kingdom and His subjects, He was a defender of the weak and the protector of the righteous. Endowed with numerous wondrous powers of the mind, He was well versed in all sciencesin military science as well as the science of the Self. Deep and unfathomed like the ocean, firm and steadfast like the Himalayan mountains, valiant like Lord Vishnu, He was the joy of Kaushalya. Though fierce like fire on the battlefield, He was calm like the cool breeze of the Mandara Hills, patient like Mother Earth, bounteous like the god of wealth and righteous like the lord of justice himself. In the pains and the griefs of His people, His heart swiftly sympathised with the sufferers. In the festive scenes which held them in joy, He like a father, shared their joys. By His honour and heroism, as well as by His gentleness and love for His subjects, He greatly endeared Himself to the hearts of His people. Such a great person was the Lord Rama Lord Rama was the best of men with a sterling character. He was the very image of love. He was an ideal son, an ideal brother, an ideal husband, an ideal friend and an ideal king. He can be taken to embody all the highest ideals of man. He led the ideal life of a householder to teach the tenets of righteousness to humanity. He ruled His people so well that it came to be known as Ram Rajya, which meant the rule of righteousness, the rule which bestows happiness and prosperity on all. The noblest lesson embodied in the Ramayana is the supreme importance of righteousness in the life of every human being. Righteousness is the spiritual spark of life. Cultivation of righteousness is the process of unfoldment of the latent divinity in man. The glorious incarnation of the Supreme Being in the form of Lord Rama has exemplified the path of righteousness. Let mankind follow His footsteps and practise the ideals cherished by Him, for it is only thus that there can be everlasting peace, prosperity and welfare in this world. Buy Saint Seiya: Legend Of Sanctuary Movie Online. None but the righteous can be truly happy. None but he who has the correct sense of duty and the will for its implementation can be said to live worthily. One must be imbued with a definite conviction about the supremacy of moral principles, ethical values and spiritual ideals. These ought to guide ones day to day actions and serve as powerful means for the culture of the human personality. That is the purpose of life. That is the way to Self realisation. That is the message and the mission of Lord Ramas fife on earth. To a devotee, Sri Rama is not simply a good and a great person, but God Himself. Rama was the son of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya, but He is also the divine omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient God. The destruction of the ten headed Ravana signifies the annihilation of the mind or the ten senses. Worship of Lord Rama is worship of the all pervading Godhead Himself. Read the prayers offered by Mandothari and Brahma in the Yuddha Kanda of the Ramayana. They refer to Rama as the one Creator of the universe, the God of all, the Ruler of the universe. Devotion to God is not a simple emotion. It is the result of intense dispassion and purity of heart and attitude. You should strive your utmost to possess the good qualities that are extolled in the Ramayana and exemplified in the life of Lord Rama. Otherwise, emotion may rise up in you temporarily to a kind of ecstasy, but you will not experience divine consciousness thereby. Devotion is a fruit which ripens gradually through the processes of self restraint and virtue. Without intense dispassion there can be no real Sadhana for Self realisation. Only after detachment from the world of things, is it possible to attain the Supreme Godhead. Remember this. Devotion has absolutely nothing to do with age, caste, creed, position or sex. Generally, the worldly minded people say We will practise meditation and devotion when we retire from service. This is a serious mistake. How can you do serious Sadhana after squeezing out all your energy in workingHow will you be able to practise the strict Yogic discipline in your old age Is there any certainty in life No, the spiritual seeds of discipline and devotion must be sown in you while you are young, while your heart is tender and untainted. Then only will it strike a deep root, blossom forth and bear fruit when you become old and retire. Only then can you bravely face the god of death and meet him with a smile I shall tell you the means of attaining the final release from the great cycle of births and deaths. Devotion to Lord Rama is a great purifier of the heart. From devotion arises knowledge. From knowledge comes the realisation of the pure Self. Knowing this perfectly, one goes to the Supreme Abode and merges in the Supreme Self. Without first developing devotion to Rama who is the Self, who lives in the hearts of all beings, who is all bliss and who is peerless, how can man cross the ocean of worldly life which has sorrow, pain and misery for its waves Do thou therefore worship Lord Rama who is Vishnu and the consort of Sita who is Lakshmi. Abandon all foolishness and enmity. Take to the service of Lord Rama. The Lord is extremely fond of those who have surrendered themselves to Him. He has given this promise in the Ramayana To anyone who once takes shelter under Me and solicits I am Thine, I bestow fearlessness from all beings. This is My vow. Even a great sinner who is full of evil qualities and who is fond of other peoples wealth, is freed from all kinds of faults that pertain to worldly life if only he remembers the Lord always. He attains purity and goes to the supreme abode of the Lord. The Name of Lord Rama is the greatest purifier of the heart.