Where to Watch Game of Thrones If You Dont Have Cable. Season 7 of HBOs Game of Thrones premieres this Sunday, giving you just enough time to figure out where to place your bets in your death pool and how to watch the show without needing your cousins boyfriends moms account information. Its pretty easyas long as youve got 1. When Daenerys hatched three dragons from what seemed to be petrified eggs during the finale ofRead more Read. HBO used to require a cable subscription, the benefit of which was HBO GO, a companion streaming app. Now, thanks to its standalone streaming app HBO NOW, users are able to get the premium streaming service on a surprisingly wide variety of devices, from the i. Pod touch to the Chromecast Subscription TV Services. You can sign up for HBO through your Internet TV provider and pay 1. That way you can catch episodes live or watch them on demand, all within the same app. Signing up with Sonys Play. Station Vue, Amazon Channels, or Hulu gets you access to the HBO NOW standalone app as well. Below are the streaming services currently compatible with HBO Media Players. Nearly every media player worth buying supports HBO NOW through an app available in its corresponding App Store. On Amazon devices you can watch through the HBO NOW standalone app or your HBO subscription in Amazon Channels. Heres a list of your current options in this realm Game Consoles. If you prefer to do your streaming via a gaming console, you can download the HBO NOW app and subscribe in your consoles App Store or use the appropriate subscription TV service option. There are no HBO apps on the Switch or Wii U. Sorry, Nintendo fans You can entertain yourself with this puzzle in the meantime. But if your heart is set on an HBO compatible console, Sony and Microsoft have you covered Mobile Devices. Of course, with an HBO NOW subscription you can watch your stories on your mobile devices as well. Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Just download the app from your App Store and sign up. Android Tablets. Android Phones. Kindle Firei. Padi. Phone. On Your Mac or PCIf youd rather watch it on your PC or Mac, you can always simply go to HBO NOWs site and enjoy yourself that way. Save Some Cash With a Free Trial. Signing up for yet another streaming service means one more bill on your credit card. If you just want to see what the fuss is about with Westeros, or use the next few weeks to catch up on the latest season, you can sign up for a 3. HBO NOW either through your subscription TV provider or the HBO NOW app itself. Just cancel your subscription before the trial is up and avoid the 1. Pirate Episodes if You Dare. Misers beware trying to find a pirate stream of your favorite fantasy drama might get you into legal trouble. Torrent sites hosting Game of Thrones episodes have been sent takedown notices from HBO in the past, while torrent users are directed to more legal methods of obtaining HBO contentnamely, signing up for HBO NOW. You can find illegal streaming sites through some web searches, but chances are they wont have the episode up for long. Movie. Pass Now Offers Unlimited Movies in Theaters for 1. Month. Ever wish there were a Netflix style subscription service for brand new movies that just released in theatersExplore the world of Mac. Check out the MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, MacBook, iMac, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Watch32 Watch Movies on Watch32. Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Well, there is. Its called Movie. Pass, and now for just 1. Movie. Pass brings the convenience of Netflix to your local movie theaters After paying a monthlyRead more Read. Psp Ipod Movies Tinker Bell ' title='Psp Ipod Movies Tinker Bell ' />Movie. Watch The Great Migration Hd. Pass isnt exactly new. Its been around since 2. Now, Mitch Lowe, a co founder of Netflix and former President of Redbox, is looking to change that by lowering the cost considerably. Starting today, you can head to the Movie. Pass site or download the app on i. OS or Android and sign up for a new subscription at just 9. That price gets you into one movie showing every single day at any theater in the U. S. that accepts debit cards this does not include 3. D or Imax showings. Yes, for less than the cost of one showing in most cities, you could see around 3. Obviously, youre not going to do that. But if you even see one movie a month your membership is paying for itself One caveat you can only buy your tickets on the the day of the screeningand in many cities, only in person, as opposed to an e ticketmaking it tough to use Movie. Pass for theaters or movies that are particularly likely to sell out. Summer movie season is upon us and the parade of big budget blockbusters are poised to draw out the Read more Read. I dont know how their business model is going to workMovie. Pass still pays theaters the full price of each ticketbut as a film buff who usually pays 1. Im definitely on board. I also noticed that Movie. Pass works at the small independent filmforeign film theater near me, so thats a nice perk. Their website is already being slammed with heavy traffic, but I was still able to sign up slowly but surely. You can try your luck at the links below. Movie. Pass. Movie. Pass app on i. OSMovie. Pass app on Android. Update AMC, the largest movie theater operator in the U. S., released a press statement saying they hope to block Movie. Pass subscriptions from being used at their theaters in the future. AMC also noted that the new 1. Movie. Pass in the future. That said, AMC doesnt actually know if its possible to opt out of Movie. Pass yet, so the service should still work at AMC theaters as long as they accept debit cards.