Critics Consensus The Last Man on the Moon takes a justifiably reverent look at a largely unexplored chapter in the history of American space exploration and a. Critics Consensus Its sentimental, and some viewers may feel manipulated by the melodramatic final act, but The Man in the Moon offers a finely drawn comingofage. All collectors movie titles listed on this page are 12. Adult DVD Buy Adult DVD and XXX Porn Movies at Excalibur. Movies On Dvd Moon Man CostumeThe Man in the Moon 1. Edit. Storyline. Rural Louisiana, summer of 1. Elvis is King. At 1. Dani is coming of age. Her older sister is beautiful, smart, and off to Duke in the fall her moms pregnant with number four Dad wants a son, and Dads pretty strict. Life gets sweeter when 1. Court Foster, his widowed mom, and two little brothers move into the vacant farm next door. Court likes Danis high spirits and direct way, and though he has a mans responsibilities on the farm, they go off swimming sometimes. The waters of adolescence are deeper than Dani realizes as hers and Courts feelings get jumbled. Then Mother Nature throws wrenching surprises at Dani, and she must come to terms with new emotions. Written by. lt jhailey hotmail. Plot SummaryPlot Synopsis. Taglines. Remember when you couldnt wait for your life to begin. Edit. Did You Know Trivia. Was filmed in Natchitoches, Louisiana, the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Territory. According to a Natchitoches resident, the film makers had a difficult time finding extras for the movie, as locals had been burned by the producers of Steel Magnolias 1. DVDs Site Map. We have all of the top dvds for sale including Alice in Wonderland, Avatar and Clash of the Titans Thousands of cheap DVD movies including Iron Man. Read the latest news and updates on your favorite movies, tv shows stars. Moviefone is your source for entertainment, movie, DVD, online streaming TV news. MoonWarriors_DVDcover.jpg' alt='Movies On Dvd Moon Man Movie' title='Movies On Dvd Moon Man Movie' />Natchitoches only three years prior. See more. When Dani leaves the pond after her nighttime swim, she is soaking wet. However, when she returns home, she is completely dry. See more. I love Elvis so much. You love everybody so much. Okay, you dont. Well, I dont. Maureen, sometimes you make me feel like such a baby. Movies On Blu Ray Dvd The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. You are a baby. I wish I could be just like you. See more. Crazy Credits. The Producers wish to thank The LADIES of JUST FRIENDS See more. Soundtracks. Written by Jerry Leiber Mike Stoller. Performed by Elvis Presley. Published by Gladys Music ASCAP, Jerry Leiber Music ASCAP and Mike Stoller Music ASCAP. Gladys Music administered by Chappell Co. Courtesy of RCA Records See more.