Batman and Superman Comparing Two Iconic Superheroes. Superman and Batman. In March of 2. 01. DC fans will be getting a Batman and Superman movie titled Batman v. Superman Dawn of Justice. It will be Starring Henry Cavill as Superman, and Ben Affleck as Batman. The film is the starting off point for the potential DC cinematic universe. DCComics. com Welcome to the Official Site for DC. DC is home to the Worlds Greatest Super Heroes, including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE. Directed by Zack Snyder. With Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg. Fearing that the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on the Man. Replicants, superheros, and reboots await you in our Fall Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and documentary. Batman and Superman Comparing Two Iconic Superheroes Superman and Batman. In March of 2016, DC fans will be getting a Batman and Superman movie titled Batman v. SupermanWonder Woman is an American comic book series published by DC Comics. The series debuted in October 2013 and was cancelled in May 2016. Download Whole Superman: Doomsday Movie ' title='Download Whole Superman: Doomsday Movie ' />Superman The Animated Series or The New Superman Adventures in its second season is an animated television series than ran from 1996 to 2000 on Kids WB After. It is exciting to think that the fans are finally getting to see two of the most iconic comic book characters of all time, in the same film. While Marvel has already crossed over a lot of their superheroes with the film The Avengers, audiences has not yet seen how DC will portray their characters in a cinematic universe. What DC is doing differently is instead of Batman and Superman teaming up at first, they will instead be at each others throats. 2010 Blockbuster Movies A Cat In Paris. It is interesting that they would take this approach when premiering these two characters on the big screen for the first time. What is it about Batman facing off against Superman that really gets people excited, besides the fact their both iconic super heroes duking it out While they are teammates, the depictions of Batman and Supermans friendship vary from writer to writer. Sometimes they are working side by side, trying to prevent their villains and vilenesses from destroying a city and or universe. Other times, they take two different sides on an issue, and they argue their points until they eventually fight it out. Because of all these different interpretations, it can be hard to narrow down where they stand regarding their relationship. Do they actually hate each other,or are they just friends that get on each others nerves sometimes Superman. The most common statement usually said about Batman and Superman is how they are completely opposite of each other. Superman is from the planet of Krypton, and has powers are unlike anything anyone has ever seen. In the golden age, Superman was written as the simple true blooded heroes with amazing powers. Then in the 7. 0s writers like Elliot Maggin, Curt Swan, John Byrne, and even Alan Moore started to focus more on his ideology, and not just his powers. They explored may interesting concepts with Superman, including what he represents to his country, and the rest of the world. He is the embodiment of America, yet he does not pick sides when dealing with other countries. With his extraordinary powers, he has the opportunity to actually create world peace, by showing the world an alternative to war and destruction. He is not just catch missiles and fight giant robots he also stands in front of podiums, and trying to ague his point of view. Superman essentially represents something that is severely lacking in even our own government a voice of reason. Presidents and politicians in general try to implement world peace, but contrasting politics and ideologies with other countries weigh down the chance of a perfect world. Superman continuously tries to help every noble person he can, and in doing so, puts the entire world on his shoulder. While kryptonite can kill him, his true weakness is trying to make everyone in the world happy, and taking on way too much responsibility for a world that isnt even his own. Even though some citizens love Superman, he also has a lot of people who hate him they see him as a threat to the world. The citizens feel Superman holds too much power, and the fact that he works with the government makes him look like part of the problem, not the solution. Even though Superman wants to be on everyones side, it just proves that trying to please everyone in the world is impossible. Lastly, Superman also has to remember to use his power in limited amounts. Unless he is fighting Darkseid or Doomsday, he cannot lose control of his massive strength, or he could easily break someones neck just by flicking them. Batman. Batman in the golden age of comics had a serious tone, but in the 5. Then in the 7. 0s, writer Dennis 0 Neil and artist Neal Adams brought him back to his more serious roots. Then Frank Miller gave us The Dark Knight Returns and then Alan Moore afterwords wrote The Killing Joke. Both told the character in a more dark and adult way, which has never really been done before. Unlike Superman, who has the whole world on his shoulder, Batman has only one city that depends on him. Batman may save the world from time to time, but his attentions primarily remain in Gotham City. He cares little for politics, and he works outside the law as a vigilante crime fighter. Since he is merely human, he only uses his technology, fighting skill and intellect to defeat his enemies. Batman symbolizes the common citizen, tying to survive in a superhero dominated world. Him being human does not make him weaker than his Justice League comrades, but actually the most capable of all them. In the story Tower of Babel written by Mark Waid, Batman has secretly planned out a way to defeat all his fellow Leaguers, if they ever become out of control. That demonstrates an important factor of Batman, that being he is very paranoid. He doesnt trust people so easily, and it causes him to work alone, for the most part. In the famous comic Death in the Family, Jason Todd, the second Robin, was killed by he Joker by being beaten to death with a crowbar. It show that Batman takes a huge risk when taking a side kick under his wing. He only cares that the psychopaths are locked away, so no other child will be orphaned like he was. Superman is too busy saving the world, so Batman needs to focus on street level crime. He knows he cannot do it alone, so he has mentors different Robins and Batgirls throughout the years. Similar Characteristics. Despite how different Batman and Superman are, they do make the world a better place in their own ways. They have a similar moral code that even the greatest of heroes find hard to stick by that is to never kill an enemy, no matter how bad their path of distraction. Superman does not kill because his powers are so advanced, he can find ways around killing his opponents. He a true boy scout, because a common motto Superman continuously states to people is that his powers do not put him above the law he is not judge, jury, or executioner. In reality, the death penalty is seen as the only way to deal with a criminal or terrorist, before they can hurt more people, but Superman shows why this mindset cannot work. He symbolizes how we can find better alternatives to deal with enemies, besides kill them. We as a society just need to be willing to find it. Batman does not kill because if he did, he would be no better than the criminals he takes down. He may scare criminals to the point they need therapy, but killing criminals would be crossing the line. Batman is basically crazy, yet he is not a menace to Gotham it would be scary to think what would happen if he was The Joker level of insanity. One would think Batman and Superman would be commended for not taking lives, but instead are seen as weak. This is not because the citizens of their world are necessarily bloodthirsty, but because they are mostly concerned for the safety of the citizens. There is only so many times Superman can put villains into prison, and Arkham Asylum feels like a revolving door for psychopaths. The citizens want world peace by killing all the enemies that threaten their way of living oh the irony. While this shows where their ideologies stand, it does not answer how they feel about each other. As previously said, the depiction of Batman and Supermans relationship varies from writer to writer. There is the World Finest comics back in the 5. Batman And Superman would team up to stop crime. There is also the comic book Batman Superman Public Enemies, where Batman and Superman are hunted by all their super hero comrades, under orders by President Luthor. They both work together and their camaraderie shows they have a well established friendship. Superman even refers to Batman as his best friend in the story.