Worst Animated Disney Movies On Rotten Tomatoes. Disney Pixars Cars 3 has been in cinemas for a month now, which is long enough for it to build a steady score on infamous review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. Its currently at a pretty average 6. Cars 2 see list entry 8, but not quite as good as the first in the franchise, which has a Certified Fresh rating of 7. Despite Disney being loved by almost everyone, its movies dont always get a good score on Rotten Tomatoes. But can Rotten Tomatoes really be trusted to tell you how good a film is or isnt Critics often fail to look at a childrens movie through the eyes of a child, and push their tastes onto a simple cartoon made to entertain youngsters. Atlantis: The Lost Empire Movie Photo ' title='Atlantis: The Lost Empire Movie Photo ' />I thought the legend of Atlantis was first told to Plato by his grandfather Solon. I thought Solon had heard it from Egyptian sages and storytellers. Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces Check out our breaking stories on Hollywoods hottest stars Atlantis The Lost Empire is a 2001 American animated actionadventure film created by Walt Disney Feature Animationthe first science fiction film in Disneys. Atlantis is the titular location of Atlantis The Lost Empire. It was a powerful empire. A thorough investigation into the Eastern Roman Empire. By Kelley L. Ross, Ph. D. The season finale of Game of Thrones had plenty of twists and turns, even if many of them were expected. One of the biggest took place in Winterfell at the. Cast and crew list, plot and related information. Especially when it comes to a studio so highly regarded as Disney, critics are known to pick fault with a movie just for the sake of it. So, focusing on just Disneys animated movies and not including the Mouse Houses many ill received direct to video sequels here, ranked from least to most rotten, are the 1. Worst Animated Disney Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes And Why Theyre Wrong. Home On The Range 2. Home On The Range tells the story of Maggie the dairy cow, and her adventurous effort to save her farm from foreclosure, and stop a notorious cattle rustler. The film features an all star albeit not quite A List cast including Roseanne Barr, Judi Dench, Jennifer Tilly, Cuba Gooding Jr., Randy Quaid, and Steve Buscemi. Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus says Though Home on the Range is likeable and may keep young children diverted, its one of Disneys more middling titles, with garish visuals and a dull plot. Since the early days of Disney, the studio has been releasing Westerns, and Home On The Range is a way to open up the genre to a modern, young audience. It might not be as memorable as some of the studios other releases, but with its slapstick humor and basic animation, its perfect for little ones which, lets be honest here, is Disneys target audience. Critics forget that sometimes a movie needs to be just an innocent piece of kids entertainment, without an unnecessary underlying narrative, and Home On The Range is just that. A Christmas Carol 2. A motion captured, 3 D CGI movie, A Christmas Carol is very different from what were used to seeing from Disney. Starring Jim Carrey and Gary Oldman, the movie retells the traditional Christmas tale, using a lot of original Dickens dialogue and details. Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus says Robert Zemeckis 3 D animated take on the Dickens classic tries hard, but its dazzling special effects distract from an array of fine performances from Jim Carrey and Gary Oldman. To see the film criticized for its stunning visuals is absurd, and complimenting the voicemotion capture actors performances in such a backhanded way is equally ridiculous. The movie was at the forefront of a new technology and film style, and utilized its brilliant cast to tell a classic story, bringing Dickens work to a new generation of fans, while creeping them out with its child friendly terror just enough to enforce the works original message. A Goofy Movie 1. Mickey Mouses best buddy gets his own movie, following on from the Goof Troop TV series. A Goofy Movie follows Goof as he goes through the typical parent struggle of staying close to your offspring when they start to grow up, while remaining his usual accident prone, awkward self. Critics said about the movie Makes its title character the second banana to a protagonist and a scenario entirely unworthy of him, mired in instantly dated sops to early 9. If they wanted to make a movie about Goofy, then they should have found a better script for him. The Goofy Movie is held with pretty high regard by Disney fans. Those instantly dated sops to early 9. Who doesnt love nostalgia The best part of the movie though is how its grown up with anyone that held it close to their heart in their younger days. First you related with Max as an awkward teen, wanting space from your parents but now you relate with Goof, either as a parent yourself, or just in the realization of how wrong you were to push your parents away before. Robin Hood 1. 97. Giving another classic tale a Disney makeover, Robin Hood follows the studios tradition of humanizing animals, creating adorable characters the whole family will love. It tells a very much Disney fied version of the Robin hood story, and made some iconic characters. Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus says One of the weaker Disney adaptations, Robin Hood is cute and colorful but lacks the majesty and excitement of the studios earlier efforts. The movie was released in 1. The characters are to this day highly regarded by Disney fans, Robin the foxs heroism and charm, Maid Marion also a foxs sweet innocence, Prince John a lions pathetic thumb sucking, and Sir Hiss a snake, obviously hilarious cowardice. The movie freshened up an old story and made it more accessible and interesting to so many age groups and generations. Atlantis The Lost Empire 2. Atlantis The Lost Empire tells the story of Smithsonian cartographer and linguist, Milo Thatch, as he puts his years of research into achieving his dreams of finding the lost city of Atlantis. It was the first sci fi movie to be released by Disney, and featured the voice talents of Michael J. Fox, Leonard Nimoy, and Disney Pixar legend Jim Varney in his final role before his death. Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus says Atlantis provides a fast paced spectacle, but stints on such things as character development and a coherent plot. Atlantis features some brilliant characters, such as the downright peculiar geologist, Mole Molire feminism poster girl mechanic, Audrey Ramirez comedic relief hickcook, Cookie Farnsworth and of course the lovable underdog and our hero, Milo Thatch. The supposedly incoherent plot mixes a less than typical adventure, the wonders of a lost world, and brilliant family and personal values that build not only the characters in the movie, but provide a strong and positive influence on young viewers. Planes Fire and Rescue 2. The sequel to Planes, and another spin off to Cars, Planes Fire And Rescue was received better than its predecessor, despite receiving many negative reviews. After winning the Wings Around The Globe race, Dusty has a gearbox malfunction, and looking like his racing days are behind him, trains as a firefighter to help an in need airport fight off closure. Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus says Although its too flat and formulaic to measure up against the best family friendly fare, Planes Fire and Rescue is a passable diversion for much younger viewers. The animation much like Cars, and despite the movie being produced by Disney. Toons Studios, not Pixar is impeccable. Its by no means the best release by Disney, but the Critics Consensus cynical passable diversion really means its a solid piece of family entertainment, which is what we expect from the Mouse House. Being produced by a usually direct to video off set of Walt Disney Animation Studios, it was clearly never intended to be a huge blockbuster, but still does well as light entertainment with a positive message. Oliver Company 1. Another Disney fied version of classic literature, Oliver Company sees Charles Dickens Oliver Twist represented by cute animals. Oliver is a homeless kitten who joins a dog gang in order to survive the mean streets of mid 8. New York City. A great cast, including songwriting legends Billy Joel and Bette Midler, the movie is one of many of Disneys musicals. Disney Movies Official Site. Digital. Digital. Special Features. Bloopers of the Caribbean. Deleted Scenes. The Matador The Bull Secrets of Salazar The Silent Mary with Javier Bardem. Wings Over the Caribbean with Paul Mc. Cartney. Digital. Digital. Special Features. Sing Along Version. The Recording Sessions. Visualizing A Villain. Inspector Gadget`S Last Case Theater Movie. Inside The Story Room. Nathan And Matthew The Extended Lion King Conversation. Musical Journey. Deleted and Alternate Scenes. Bloopers and Outtakes. Digital. Digital. Special Features. Panda Suits and Bamboo Shoots. Walking with Monkeys. Masters of CamouflageEverything Everything Music Video Performed by American Authors. Digital. Digital. Special Features. Exclusive New Mini Movie Miss Fritters Racing Skoool. Theatrical Short Lou. Deleted Scenes. Cruz Ramirez The Yellow Car that Could. Lets. Get. Crazy. Ready for the Race. Cars to DieCast For. Generations The Story of Cars 3. My First Car. Legendary. Worlds Fastest Billboard. Commentary. Cars Doeuvres. Cars 3 Trailers. Cars 3 Car Reveals. Cars 3 Set Fly Throughs.